

Hokkaido University
Center for Human Nature,
Artificial Intelligence,
and Neuroscie





  • 松井大. (2021). 行動の数量化とモデル化: オペラント行動のバウト―休止に関する時系列モデルを例に―. 基礎心理学研究, 40(1), 43-49.

  • Makio Torigoe, Tanvir Islam, Hisaya Kakinuma, Chi Chung Alan Fung, Takuya Isomura, Hideaki Shimazaki, Tazu Aoki, Tomoki Fukai, Hitoshi Okamoto. (2021)  Zebrafish capable of generating future state prediction error show improved active avoidance behavior in virtual reality. Nature Communications 12, 5712

  • 田口 茂 (2021). 媒介された自由──媒介論的現象学の視点から. 『現代思想』49(9): 41-51.

  • Aoyama, K., Miyamoto, N., Sakurai, S., Iizuka, H., Mizukami, M., Furukawa, M., Maeda, T., Ando, H. (2021). Electrical Generation of Intranasal Irritating Chemosensation, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 106714-106724, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3100851

  • Mundorf, A., Kubitza, N., Hünten, K., Matsui, H., Juckel, G., Ocklenburg, S., & Freund, N. (2021). Maternal immune activation leads to atypical turning asymmetry and reduced DRD2 mRNA expression in a rat model of schizophrenia. Behavioural brain research, 414, 113504.

  • Wittek, N., Matsui, H., Behroozi, M., Otto, T., Wittek, K., Sarı, N., Stoecker, S., Letzner, S., Choudhary, V., Peterburs, J., & Güntürkün, O. (2021). Unihemispheric evidence accumulation in pigeons. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 47(3), 303.

  • 田口 茂 (2021)〈外〉と〈内〉の切断と接続:認知と生命の本質をめぐって. 『認知科学』28(2), 211 – 216.

  • Wittek, N., Matsui, H., Kessel, N., Oeksuez, F., Güntürkün, O., & Anselme, P. (2021). Mirror self-recognition in pigeons: beyond the pass-or-fail criterion. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 669039.

  • Balogh L., Tanaka M., Török N., Vécsei L., Taguchi S. (2021). Crosstalk between Existential Phenomenological Psychotherapy and Neurological Sciences in Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Biomedicines 9, 340.

  • Aguilera M., Moosavi SA., Shimazaki H. (2021) A unifying framework for mean field theories of asymmetric kinetic Ising systems. Nature Communications. 12, 1197.

  • Hafed ZM, Yoshida M, Tian X, Buonocore A and Malevich T (2021) Dissociable Cortical and Subcortical Mechanisms for Mediating the Influences of Visual Cues on Microsaccadic Eye Movements. Front. Neural Circuits 15:638429.

  • Kato R., Hayashi T., Onoe K., Yoshida M., Tsukada H., Onoe H., Isa T., Ikeda T. (2021) The posterior parietal cortex contributes to visuomotor processing for saccades in blindsight macaques. Communications Biology. 4, 278.

  • Miyahara K., Robertson I. (2021) The Pragmatic Intelligence of Habits. Topoi 40: 597–608. doi: 10.1007/s11245-020-09735-w

  • Namba S., Matsui H., Zloteanu M. (2021) Distinct temporal features of genuine and deliberate facial expressions of surprise. Scientific Reports. 11(1), 1-10.

  • Okada K., Miura K., Fujimoto M., Morita K., Yoshida M., Yamamori H., Yasuda Y., Iwase M., Inagaki M., Shinozaki T., Fujita I., Hashimoto R. (2021) Impaired inhibition of return during free-viewing behaviour in patients with schizophrenia. Scientific Reports. 11, 3237.

  • Yang H., Hu Z., Imai F., Yang Y., Ogawa K. (2021) Effects of neurofeedback on the activities of motor-related areas by using motor execution and imagery. Neuroscience letters. 746: 135653.

  • 杉村靖彦, 田口茂, 竹花洋佑 編 (2021)渦動する象徴──田辺哲学のダイナミズム 晃洋書房.

  • 竹澤正哲 (2021) 20章: 交換する. 小田亮・橋彌和秀・大坪庸介・平石界 編 進化でみる人間行動の事典. 朝倉書店

  • 鎌谷美希・ 瀧本(猪瀬)彩加 (2021). 

    ウマは同齢の同種他個体に視覚的選好を示すか― 類似性の原則に着目した実験的検討―. 北海道心理学研究, 43, 1-15.

  • Takimoto-Inose A. (2021).

    Evolutionary perspective on prosocial behaviors in nonhuman animals. In Anderson, J.R. & Kuroshima, H. (eds.) Comparative Cognition – Commonalities and Diversity, Springer. pp. 197-220.

  • Haruki Y. & Ogawa K. (2021)
    Role of anatomical insular subdivisions in interoception: interoceptive attention and accuracy have dissociable substrates, European Journal of Neuroscience, 53(8):2669-2680.

  • Miyazono, K. & Inarimori, K. (2021). Empathy, altruism, and group identificationFrontiers in Psychology. DOI:

  • Miyazono, K. (2021). Visual perceptual without presentational phenomenologyErgo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy, 8, 551-576.

  • Tooming, U. & Miyazono, K. (2021). Vividness as a natural kindSynthese, 199, 3023-3043.