

Hokkaido University
Center for Human Nature,
Artificial Intelligence,
and Neuroscience


第27回 CHAINセミナー 「ロボットに志向的スタンスをとること、及び、その社会的認知メカニズムへの影響」(Adopting the intentional stance towards robots and its impact on mechanisms of social cognition)

日時 2022年11月25日(金)17:00-18:30
場所 オンライン(要登録)(ページ下部リンクをご利用ください)
言語 英語

今回のCHAINセミナーでは、イタリア技術研究所のAgnieszka Wykowska 教授を講師に迎えて、人工エージェントに対する「志向的スタンス」(対象に心を帰属して、その行動の予測や理解を行う態度)に関する研究成果を紹介していただきます。

主催:北海道大学 人間知・脳・AI研究教育センター(CHAIN)




Agnieszka Wykowska

Adopting the intentional stance towards robots and its impact on mechanisms of social cognition


In daily lives, we need to predict and understand others’ behaviour to efficiently navigate through our social environment. When making predictions about what other humans are going to do next, we refer to their mental states, such as beliefs or intentions. That is, we adopt the intentional stance towards other humans. However, it is not clear whether and when we adopt the intentional stance also towards artificial agents, such as humanoid robots. The interesting question is what specific factors (behavior, appearance, social context) make us adopt the intentional stance towards robots. This talk will provide an overview of our research addressing this question. I will present a tool that we developed for measuring adoption of the intentional stance, and findings showing that the likelihood of adopting the intentional stance is coded in specific patterns of neural activity at rest. Then, I will present studies which suggest that interactive scenarios influence adoption of the intentional stance more than mere observation of subtle human-like characteristics of a robot’s behavior. I will also discuss the relationship between intentional stance and other mechanisms of social cognition. The talk will conclude with the discussion on the role of intentional stance for human-robot interaction in general, and implications for applied domains of social robotics in healthcare.

