

Hokkaido University
Center for Human Nature,
Artificial Intelligence,
and Neuroscience


Solving the Hard Problem and Closing the Explanatory Gap with Natural Laws of Consciousness – Towards a Scientific Investigation of Consciousness and Mind-Uploading –

Date 24th Jun 2022 9:00-10:30 (JST), 19:00-20:30 (EST), 25:00-26:30 (BST)
Location Zoom Meeting (Registration required)
Language English

The 23rd CHAIN seminar will be held at 9 am Friday 24, June 2022 (Japan Standard Time).

It will be presented by Prof Masataka Watanabe (Univ Tokyo).

His talk is entitled: “Solving the Hard Problem and Closing the Explanatory Gap with Natural Laws of Consciousness – Towards a Scientific Investigation of Consciousness and Mind-Uploading -”


今回のCHAINセミナーは、東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 システム創成学専攻システムデザイン学講座の渡邉 正峰 准教授にご自身の意識の研究についてご講演いただきます。


主催:北海道大学 人間知・脳・AI研究教育センター(CHAINセミナー)



渡辺 正峰
Masataka Watanabe

Solving the Hard Problem and Closing the Explanatory Gap with Natural Laws of Consciousness - Towards a Scientific Investigation of Consciousness and Mind-Uploading -


Natural laws, such as the principle of the constancy of light velocity, are vital to science. If we trace any scientific theory back to its origins, we will end up with these natural laws. If that is the case, we should take it for granted that the science of consciousness requires one too. The science of consciousness is our very first attempt to bind the objective with the subjective; the objective is what can be observed when we insert a recording electrode, while the subjective comes in the form of subjective experience and poses the question of what a neural network is experiencing in the first person. As soon as we acknowledge its necessity, both the explanatory gap and the hard problem vanish into thin air; the natural law is what closes the gap and nullifies the difficulty of the problem.

I explain the above argument and further propose an experimental approach to validate such laws of nature, which, as a byproduct, results in a viable method for mind uploading. The key to the approach is a totally new type of BMI that enables reading and writing information with unprecedented precision.

Masataka Watanabe, “From Biological to Artificial Consciousness”, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022

Masataka Watanabe, Kang Cheng, Yusuke Murayama, Kenichi Ueno, Takeshi Asamizuya, Keiji Tanaka, Nikos Logothetis. Attention But Not Awareness Modulates the BOLD Signal in the Human V1 During Binocular Suppression. SCIENCE. 334. 6057. 829-831. 2011


70年千葉県生まれ。93年東京大学工学部卒業、98年東京大学大学院工学系研究科博士課程修了。99年から01年にかけて東京大学大学院工学系研究科部助手、01年から同助教授、CALTECH留学などを経て現在は、東京大学大学院工学系研究科准教授および独MPI客員研究員。専門は脳科学。主な著書に「脳の意識 機械の意識」。