

Hokkaido University
Center for Human Nature,
Artificial Intelligence,
and Neuroscience


Dr. Chris Fraser (Toronto) “A Path with No End: Skill and Dào in Mòzǐ and Zhuāngzǐ”

日時 2022年5月24日(火)16時半〜18時
場所 北海道大学人文・社会科学総合教育研究棟 W104教室
使用言語 英語

Chris Fraser先生(トロント大学,中国哲学・中国文化リー講座主席)をお招きしたコロキアムを開催します。ページ右下のボタンから発表要旨および発表原稿を事前にダウンロードできます(予習は必須ではありません)。ぜひふるってご参加ください(参加無料・登録不要・対面のみ)。






Christopher Fraser

 A Path with No End: Skill and Dào in Mòzǐ and Zhuāngzǐ(終わりなき道:墨子と荘子における技と道)


(要旨縮約版)For early Chinese philosophical texts, how does skill relate to dào, the ethically apt path and its performance? In the Mòzǐ, following dào—and thus pursuing the ethical life—is strongly analogous to the performance of skills. The Zhuāngzǐ presents a sharply contrasting stance: there is something more to dào than skill. What is this something more? On a ‘Zhuangist’ view, a key difference between skill and dào is that dào has no fixed, predetermined ends. Dào is a general, open-ended process, one that is continually shifting and transforming. But if dào has no fixed ends, by what criteria can we distinguish more from less fitting paths and more from less adroit ways of pursuing them? A plausible answer is that particular contexts themselves yield provisional grounds for such evaluations. These grounds are then revised or replaced in response to developing circumstances and continuing performance of dào. The resulting approach to understanding and living the good life, I will suggest, can informatively be labeled an ethics of dào and dé (virtue), referring to the path we follow and the capacities by which we follow it.


トロント大学 哲学科・東アジア研究科 中国哲学・中国文化リー講座主席。専門は中国哲学。主な研究テーマは,初期中国哲学における心,知識,言語の理論と現代の認識論,行為論,倫理学の交わり。近年は,中国政治思想の歴史,及び,その哲学的な含意の研究にも取り組む。