

Hokkaido University
Center for Human Nature,
Artificial Intelligence,
and Neuroscience

2022.4.8 Release

Awarded a grant from the Toyota Foundation Special Subject “Co-Creating New Society with Advanced Technologies” program

Dr. Miyahara and his team have been awarded a Toyota foundation grant for a 3 years project “Pioneering “Artificial Subject Studies”: A New Framework for Advancing Interdisciplinary Studies on the Ideal Form of the Co-Existence Between Human Beings and Artificial Subjects” (D21-ST-0012). Project members from CHAIN also include Prof. Miyazono, Prof. Taguchi, and Dr. Suzuki. The project will explore from a multidisciplinary perspective ethical questions about how humans and artificial subjects (AI systems that appear as subjects) should co-exist in the near-future world. See the Toyota Foundation website for more details.