

Hokkaido University
Center for Human Nature,
Artificial Intelligence,
and Neuroscience


The Significance of Phenomenology Today

Time Monday, January 17th, 2022, 18:00-19:30 (JST)
Place Online (registration required)
Language English
This CHAIN seminar, organized by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Phenomenology of Altered Consciousness: An Interdisciplinary Approach through Philosophy, Mathematics, Neuroscience, and Robotics” (PI: Shigeru Taguchi), will feature Professor Thomas Fuchs of Heidelberg University. Professor Fuchs is an internationally renowned psychiatrist and philosopher, who is well known for his research on phenomenology and phenomenological psychiatry with an emphasis on embodiment, especially in the direction of enactivism. In this lecture, he will talk about the significance of phenomenology in our time, focusing on its dialogue with empirical sciences and psychiatry. We hope you will join us. (Please click the button below to register in advance.)
Co-sponsored by CHAIN



Thomas Fuchs
University of Heidelberg

The Significance of Phenomenology Today



Phenomenology can be understood as the systematic science of subjective experience and its fundamental structures, such as intentionality, temporality, corporeality or intersubjectivity. But it also has the task of defending this subjective experience against reductive claims on the part of naturalism or physicalism. Nevertheless, phenomenology is far more than a science of consciousness, which it defends only as an indomitable, but sterile citadel against naturalism. On the contrary, as a science of embodied and extended subjectivity it is rather able to reach out to the fields of empirical sciences and to enter into a productive dialogue with them. This is demonstrated by three research areas: (1) the decisive role of phenomenology for the paradigm of embodied and enactive mind in cognitive science; (2) the phenomenological conception of primary social perception as intercorporeality; and (3) the phenomenological psychopathology of embodiment, especially in the theory of schizophrenia.

Lecturer profile

Dr. Thomas Fuchs is a psychiatrist and philosopher who is Karl Jaspers Professor for Philosophy and Psychiatry in the Department of General Psychiatry at the University of Heidelberg. His research lies at the intersection of phenomenology, psychopathology, and cognitive science, with an emphasis on embodied and enactive approaches to topics such as temporality and intersubjectivity.