CHAIN Philosophy Workshop
CHAIN Philosophy Workshop “Frontiers of Enactivism in East Asia”
14:00-14:50 Russel Meyer (Chinese Academy of Science)
“All-or-Nothing Enactivism: For Whom, To Do What?
15:00-15:50 Rafik Hadfi (Kyoto University)
“Rethinking Agency and Autonomy in AI: An Enactive Perspective”
16:00-16:50 Ryuzo Hirota (University of Tokyo)
“Distinctness, Beyondness, and Framing: a triadic framework bridging phenomenology and the enactive approach”
Dr. Russel Meyer is a distinguished postdoctoral fellow at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy (CASIP) in Beijing. He is currently interested in the biology of cognition, particularly how our understanding of human and artificial intelligences is challenged by the study of “smart” model organisms like jumping spiders, cephalopods and birds. He is also interested in post-cognitivist explanatory strategies in the biological and cognitive sciences.
Dr. Rafik Hadfi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Informatics at Kyoto University. His research interests lie in the theoretical foundations of intelligent agents and their applications in deliberation, voting, and negotiation. Rafik is a recipient of several awards including the Gregory Kersten GDN Journal Best Paper Award (2022), the IBM Award of Scientific Excellence (2020), the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Annual Conference Award (2020), the IEEE Young Researcher Award (2014), and the AAAI Student Scholarship Award (2014). He serves as a program committee member in leading AI conferences such as IJCAI, AAMAS, and AAAI, and is a reviewer for journals including Neural Computation, Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, and Group Decision and Negotiation. Rafik is also the Program Chair of the 21st Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2024), the Program Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Agents (IEEE ICA 2023 & 2022), the organizer of the Democracy & AI workshop series (DemocrAI), and the organizer of the Computational Social Choice Competition (COMPSOC).
Ryuzo Hirota (University of Tokyo) is a doctoral student in Takashi Ikegami Laboratory at the University of Tokyo. Having a background in computer science and artificial life, he is currently interested in the theoretical foundations of the enactive approach. Recently, he has also collaborated with a philosopher and a mathematician on formalizing the 4E approaches to cognition from the perspective of category theory.
Organized by Centre for Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence, and Neuroscience (CHAIN), Hokkaido University. Inquiries to Katsunori Miyahara at