

Hokkaido University
Center for Human Nature,
Artificial Intelligence,
and Neuroscience



What can Philosophy do in Business? – Looking at a Current Example of, and Future Prospects for, Philosophical Consulting – Dr. Koji Yoshida

Date/Time Monday, October 7th, 16:30-18:00
Venue Hokkaido University, Humanities and Social Sciences Classroom Building, Room W409
Language Japanese

Dr. Koji Yoshida, the president of Cross Philosophies, Ltd., will be speaking at this seminar. Cross Philosophies is a company is the first company in Japan to “sell” philosophy as its product. The company is currently so popular that they have been unable to keep up with all of the consultation requests they have been receiving. We invite all students, faculty, and staff at Hokkaido University to take this chance to hear about an exciting new field of business.

※This seminar is limited to Hokkaido University students, faculty, and staff.

Speaker’s Information

Dr. Koji Yoshida received his Doctor of Philosophy at Sophia University. After finishing as a research fellow for the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Sciences (PD), he became the president of Cross Philosophies, Ltd. He has also served as the director of the Center of Philosophy Thinking, guest researcher at Sophia University, a member of the board of directors for the Japan Society for Process Studies, and a managing member of The American Philosophy Forum.

Event Report
